Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Wall-e Invades PC Faith and Media

Did you ever think that an animated film about a robot and his love life some 700 years from now could change the way you view life and the earth now? Well, for me, Wall-e has done just that. Disney-PIXAR's Wall-e has caused me to question how much I rely on technology. Not that tech is a bad thing, because it is not. Actually, the longer I teach this Faith and Media course, the more of a tech junkie I am becoming. But what I need to confront is the question of "Do I control technology or does it control me?" If my computer is down or there is no power, can I still have a great class without using Power-Point? If I forget my cell phone, do I go nuts because I feel out of touch with the world - even though there are 1700 people all around me? Can I have a sit down, face to face conversation with a friend sitting next to me or across from me, without being distracted by beeps, rings, or anything else? When I go to Church this Holy Week for the Easter Triduum Celebrations, can I sit in God's presence and worship and praise Him without worrying about the latest tech gagets in my pocket? As we finish Lent and move into Easter and the Easter Season, will I let tech be the help that it is and let GOD BE GOD. Jesus tells us that we can't serve two masters. We have to choose. We can choose to let technology run our lives or we can choose to serve God and be joyful in that LOVE that comes only from our Loving God, who gave us Jesus - the Word made flesh - to suffer and die for us to rise to new life that we might be made new and whole. And he didn't need Tech for that!

Mr. Wilson


  1. I think that technology is becoming a very big part of peoples's lifes. Some people go crazy when they don't have internet or don't have their cell phone. People always have their cell phones on them. Some people can't even just have a full conversation without having another conversation with another person through texts or emails or facebook on their phones or laptops. I think that a lot of people bring their cell phones to church and I don't think thats right because your their to be with God not having seperate conversations with people through yor cell phone during mass.

  2. I once knew a girl who broke her cell phone and almost went completely crazy because she felt so out of touch with her friends.

  3. to address your question, i think for some of the not-so-young generations, technology is very easy to control because it's something you had to introduce into your life at some point. For the younger generations however, is a different story. Being raised in a tech-savvy household, and watching my 11 year old sister mature, i've noticed among her and her friends, that many of them have had either a cell phone, a PDA, or a blackberry for at LEAST a year now. This makes me question how much technology has not only changed, but what age group it's being marketed towards. Perfect example would be the windows commercial, of the very young girl taking a picture, uploading it to her laptop, editing it, and emailing it all within a few moments. This type of marketing, seems very relevant to the future generations portrayed in the movie Wall-e, how everything in their lives is controlled by one giant corporation. Hopefully, that doesn't come true, if it does i'll be glad i'm LOOOOONG gone.

  4. The more technology advances the more I think people get attached to it. As soon as a new cell phone, laptop, music player or any other type of technology comes out on the market people feel the need to have it. Which is why believe technology might not control us but it is a very close call.

  5. I think that technology is doing more harm then good.People are becoming to reliant on it and it's even making people a little paranoid.Like when your always waiting for a text message and you think your phone is vibrating but it's really not.A majority of people interact with other people via text message more then they do face to face,it's ruining our communication skills.
