Monday, April 18, 2011

All too often we forget

All too often we forget what is most important in our lives. We are so worried about what our friends and our peers will think that we forget about those who love us the most.

How often is what our parents think the last thing that we think about? It is our parents who give us life and who give us most of what we possess. It is our parents who wait up for us when we are not home on time, even if they get on our nerves by nagging us and trying to make us see the bigger picture. Yes, even me, at my age - I still often forget to call my mom when I drive home from a visit to her home. I figure, well as long as she hears nothing bad then she knows that I am home. This relationship that I so often forget is a lifelong journey from infancy to adulthood to someday caretaker.

But this is not the only one that we forget...

As we journey through Holy Week this year, do we forget about the One who loves us most? Do we forget about the One who loves us so much that He became flesh, lived among us, and died that we might have eternal life? It is precisely because God first loved us that we even exist. And as we continue this Holy Week to the celebration of the most sacred days in our Church - The Triduum, we should never forget that God love us so much that God sent the Son (the Word made flesh in Jesus) so that we could have eternal life.

On Holy Thursday, we celebrate the gift of His Body and Blood in the Eucharist. How much more intimate could God get than to give us his own flesh and blood in Jesus, so that we might take and eat in the Sacrament of the Eucharist and become Jesus for those who may not know him in any other way?

On Good Friday, we celebrate the death of our Lord and Savior on the Cross. He loved us enough to die for us and for our sin. Do we love him enough to give him a few hours over this weekend so that we can get to know him even better? Or will this be another relationship forgotten? As many of us will sing in Church on Friday, "Jesus, remember me, when you come into your kingdom." He remembers us, but do we remember him?

And then on Holy Saturday at the Easter Vigil, our most sacred liturgy (Mass) of the whole year, we celebrate Christ's resurrection. This is his triumph over death so that we may have eternal life. This is what enables us to spend eternity with the blessed Trinity - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

All too often we forget about those who love us most. This Holy Week, don't forget how much God loves you. Spend some time with Him. Go to Church and really learn how much God really does love you. He showed us how much with his death on the cross.