Monday, April 18, 2011

All too often we forget

All too often we forget what is most important in our lives. We are so worried about what our friends and our peers will think that we forget about those who love us the most.

How often is what our parents think the last thing that we think about? It is our parents who give us life and who give us most of what we possess. It is our parents who wait up for us when we are not home on time, even if they get on our nerves by nagging us and trying to make us see the bigger picture. Yes, even me, at my age - I still often forget to call my mom when I drive home from a visit to her home. I figure, well as long as she hears nothing bad then she knows that I am home. This relationship that I so often forget is a lifelong journey from infancy to adulthood to someday caretaker.

But this is not the only one that we forget...

As we journey through Holy Week this year, do we forget about the One who loves us most? Do we forget about the One who loves us so much that He became flesh, lived among us, and died that we might have eternal life? It is precisely because God first loved us that we even exist. And as we continue this Holy Week to the celebration of the most sacred days in our Church - The Triduum, we should never forget that God love us so much that God sent the Son (the Word made flesh in Jesus) so that we could have eternal life.

On Holy Thursday, we celebrate the gift of His Body and Blood in the Eucharist. How much more intimate could God get than to give us his own flesh and blood in Jesus, so that we might take and eat in the Sacrament of the Eucharist and become Jesus for those who may not know him in any other way?

On Good Friday, we celebrate the death of our Lord and Savior on the Cross. He loved us enough to die for us and for our sin. Do we love him enough to give him a few hours over this weekend so that we can get to know him even better? Or will this be another relationship forgotten? As many of us will sing in Church on Friday, "Jesus, remember me, when you come into your kingdom." He remembers us, but do we remember him?

And then on Holy Saturday at the Easter Vigil, our most sacred liturgy (Mass) of the whole year, we celebrate Christ's resurrection. This is his triumph over death so that we may have eternal life. This is what enables us to spend eternity with the blessed Trinity - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

All too often we forget about those who love us most. This Holy Week, don't forget how much God loves you. Spend some time with Him. Go to Church and really learn how much God really does love you. He showed us how much with his death on the cross.


  1. Not very often do I forget about the great relationship that I have with my parents because it's way to hard to forget after all they do for me. Sometimes I may take the relationship for granted and that's not right but I try to work on fixing that everyday. It wasn't until this year where I actually got to sit down and really get to know God and take in everything that He has given me. Every year I go and celebrate the Triduum, but this year things are going to be different. I finally understand what all of this means, I've finally discovered the true meaning behind Jesus' sacrifice. So this Easter and for the rest of my life I won't forget, I'll never forget what Jesus has done for me.

  2. Hey Mr.Wilson, you're right. We as humans always seem to forget about religion or people who love us the most when we're flooded with work and stressed beyond belief. I was guilty of doing so today, I was so stressed about the work I had to in school on top of the work that had to be done when I got home from musical practice today,that I completely disregarded how one of my friends was trying to cheer me up while I was in a state of panic. Ultimately, we always have to remember that even if the cruel world is shunning us that there will always be someone who will be there for us.

  3. I agree with this post. I believe it really helps us put things in perspective. We must stop thinking about what our peers think about us and think about those who love us. We should take time to appreciate those that really matter to us and let them know how we feel.

  4. many times i tend to forget to say i love you to my parents or even thank you and its true they are the ones who gave me life. Most imporantly how the one who gave me life is the one i should cherish not my friends who one day would betray me not a boyfriend or will hurt me. this is a week inwhich i should give my all too God but not only this week but everyday. i should pray more often and learn that no one will love me the way he does , he gave up his life for me and thats amazing.

  5. I agree that we too often forget about God's love and how much he cares about us. In past years I have not really taken too much interest in Holy Week and the importance of it to the church but this year I joined a choir at a local church and I am singing at all of the masses on these days. Through the music I have began to understand how important and how much God really loved us enough to die for us.

  6. I agree that many times we fail to realize who truely cares. I feel its human nature to take for granted those we know will always be around. We go to our parents when we need them and mostly as a last resort. People also see God as someone who we pray to when we need something. I don't think this is a good view. This Easter is a time to reflect on and with those who care about us most

  7. I understand what you are saying. My parents are separated and I'm currently living with my mom. After reading this I feel that I have taken her for granted. She helped me get better after my ankle injury, and puts me in PC rather than sending me to a public school. My mom has went through the toughest time during my high school years. I can only hope even though I'm such a jerk to her that I can repay her for what I've put her through

  8. Even though I'm not Catholic and may not be that spritual, Holy Week to me reminds me that there is a God in our lives. God takes time to help us grow, prosper, and unite together in the end. I see holy week as a way to connect and reconnect spiritually with others that I may have drifted away from.

  9. I also believe that we do often forget all of the great thinggs that have been given to us. We also forget that our loved ones who give us so much ask for almost nothing in return.We should count our blessings and realize that, many people do not have most of the things we take for granted. Now, especially on Holy Week, we must remember to be thankful for all that God, our families, and our friends have given to us.

  10. After reading this article I realize that I'm a big example of being someone who you are not. Whenever I hang out with my friends I always try to act like them. Instead of being myself I make fun of people with them and pretend I'm someone I'm not. Reading this article made me realize that I should start being myself when I'm with my friends and always put my family first.

  11. I can personally say that this is relevant to my life. I forget how important my loved ones; especially God, are in my life and often take advantage of their love for me. I often pray but always wonder am I praying for the right reasons, should I be praying for personal intentions or for those who may be having a worse day than I am, or should I even be praying for myself. It makes me fell as though I am leaving out the more important things in my life; those who really care. Great post Mr. Wilson, it really made me think. =D -Khalid Rosemin

  12. mr wilson have read blog 5 times and understand that it is about caring for people around you and taking time out of your life to go to be closer to your faith. i understand where the not calling every time i get somewhere safe thing because my mom always wants me to call her when i leave the house and to call her as soon as i get where i am going. Even though i usually drop her a text some times i do forget and she gets very nervous and calls me in the middle of zero period some times to make sure i get to class on time so i know where you are coming from with that aspect. some times parents can be a nag though because you tell them you will be late and they are always texting you every five minutes asking when i will be home. and i believe that i will be spending some time in church not only on sunday but also on friday for good friday

  13. I feel as if we sometimes take our parents for granted. They provide us with so much, and we don't even stop to think or realize it. And in the end, there is absolutely no way we will be able to repay our parents. But they don't expect any repayment, they just want to see us to succeed in life. Just as God and Jesus have done so much for us as well. The least we can do is remember.

  14. This is actually a great topic to talk about, not only because of Holy Week but because during this school year, the question about who loves me and cares the most was brought up. Too often, people are constantly occupied with materials, money, nonsense etc. that we forget about those who really matter. If we are sick, upset, lost etc.your family and God will always be there for you, not your debit card or that video game. It is good to be re assured that God loves us always. In regards to myself, I have planned already to take some time and go to Church with my family to devote sometime to God and to thank him.

  15. I agree with this posting, because we do forget about what is important in our lives. I will be the first to admit that I forget the important things in life, and stress the small stuff. We especially teenagers should really stop and think about what is really important to us, family, friends, and God. We need to realize the sacrifices people went through for us to be in this world, and we need to thank them. I for one need to be grateful for all of the wonderful things I have because I know in a second it could all be gone. This Holy Week i am going to spend time with my family and show them how grateful I am to have them in my wonderful life.


  16. Mr. Wilson I agree that this era and introduction of technology, it has made us forget who we are as Christians. It made us lose actual interaction with people and moved us to virtual interaction. Many teens today have either little or no respect for their parents and that is a major problem. Their morale for their parents should be at high standards because they were the ones that created us. Also we all seem to forget the meaning of Lent and Jesus Christ's journey through life. As technology as been involved, people moved away from believing in the God we know to the God known today as the iPhone, Blackberry, or 3D Television. We should be able to remember the graceful actions that Jesus accomplished for us, same as our parents as well. Getting back to the basic roots will re-strengthen our relationship with our parents, Jesus, and the Lord.

  17. Good Morning Mr. Wilson:

    Reading this post really helped. Often, I get so wrapped up in the other millions of things that I do that I tend to push away the ones whom love and care for me the most. I don't purposely do it, but it's difficult trying to find a healthy balance. As you know I will be going off to school in about four months. My mother keeps nagging me and saying "You have to call me everyday, everyday. Everyday, Everyday." Of course I'm going to call my mother but I'm trying to spread my wings and be an independent college student also. During break, I'm going to spend time with my family and put my other tasks on the back burner.

    I hope you enjoy yours!

    -Najaah Daniels
