It is really weird. As I was thinking about what to write for this post, I received an email about the planning of my 30 year grammar school reunion. Now I know I am getting old - 30 years. But I began to think back, remembering the friendships, the feuds, those that to this day I still consider family. Thirty years ago, I don't think I ever even thought about where I would be in 30 years. But the friends I made in eighth grade, the friends I made in the next four years in high school, then the friends I made in college - though I have not seen many of them for a long time - all helped to make me who I am today. It's because of them and many of my teachers that I am in a classroom at PC today. And I need to thank them for helping to make me to be who I am right now. In a sense, they were "co-creators" with God. By helping to shape and form my life choices, they let God speak through them. They are a part of my life forever.
In Isaiah 64:7 we read: "Yet, O LORD, you are our father; we are the clay and you the potter: we are all the work of your hands." God, the artist - the master potter, used my friends to make me who I am. He does the same with each of us. But we need to remember, sometimes we like what has been created, sometimes we do not. But it is our choice who we let influence us. As you journey out of high school and into college and beyond, into the real world and real life do yourself a couple of favors:
- THANK YOUR FRIENDS that you have now. Thank them for helping you to be the best you that you can be. Thank them for being "co-creators" with God.
- SAY I'M SORRY to those friends you have hurt or lost because of argrument, fights, disagreements, stupidity, selfishness. Let them know that you will always be greatful for them and always love them - simply for who they are or were in your life.
- CHOOSE YOUR FUTURE FRIENDS WISELY. Remember they will be just as important to you as your current friends are.
- THANK GOD, THE POTTER, for creating you and your friends. He made us to be in relationship - to have friends.